San Francisco Bay Area - Postpartum Doula, Sleep Trainer and New Parent Advisor

A whole New Life
What to expect
Welcome to A whole New Life. My goal is to help new parents navigate through the postpartum stage with knowledge and confidence. I offer in-home visits and video calls before and after the birth of your baby(ies). I will provide assistance to new parents in many fundamental areas not taught in any prenatal/baby classes, using a very personal approach catered to you and your baby(ies)'s specific needs.
In my 10+ years as a postpartum doula, I came to realize too many parents and parents-to-be do not have the tools or experience to prepare for the arrival of a newborn or the drastic shift in day-to-day life with a newborn. Making the transition while also learning how to be a parent can be overwhelming. My goal is to ease that transition and remove the staggering unknown.

Sara’s Story
As someone who has worked in the childcare industry for the past 18 years, working with preemies, singletons and multiples... I am constantly looking for ways to improve the life of parents. As a parent myself, I know it is not easy. We tend to get advice from everyone and it can be very overwhelming and confusing..."but what is right for my child? Who do I listen to?"
These gaps of knowledge and conflicting information is where I come in. I have an uncanny ability to read babies' cues and advise new parents on what their babies' needs are and how to read those cues - whether it be cue relating to sleep, gas, hunger, lactation or the hundreds of other issues confronting babies and new parents.

A Whole New Life Services
Exceeding Your Expectations
A Whole New Life Services has earned its stellar reputation because I go above and beyond to provide truly exceptional service to each of my clients. I do not just provide a temporary solution for sleepless nights - I provide my clients with the tools they need to thrive as new parents. Read on to learn more about what I can do for you.
In home consultations
It takes a village
I want all of my clients to experience the impressive level of professionalism and effectiveness when working with A Whole New Life. All of the services I offer, especially this one, exist to make your life easier and stress free. You can trust me to supply you with the best information and advice. Every family is different and every baby is different, which is why my customized expertise is so valuable. Some of the areas I will cover with you include, but are not limited to:
• How to transition a newborn, multiple newborns and preemie;
• How to read your baby's cues;
• How to burp effectively;
• How to instill healthy sleeping habits;
• How to swaddle;
• How to troubleshoot any and all breastfeeding issues;
• How to pick and incorporate formula;
• How to pick and when to incorporate the right bottles and nipples;
• How and when to start tummy time;
• How to engage a newborn without overstimulating; and
• How to identify and deal with witching hours.

Video call
Here For You, When You Need Me.
This is one of my more popular services available. It has provided continued education and comfort to new parents to have my expertise at their fingertips. This service is perfect for those questions that pop up in the middle of your day or evening or if you need a quick demonstration or second set of eyes.
All services I provide, whether in home or on video aims to give my clients the most simplicity, timeliness and convenience. Whenever and however you work with A Whole New Life, you can trust that you’re in great hands.

Opening Hours
I’ll come to you.
Mon - Sat: 10am - 4pm Sun: Closed
Get in Touch